For any success business ,a range of business support Is embedded in order to unlock the competitiveness. This includes SWOT analysis which clearly defines goals strategic and objectives. BDP will Cleary show the business markets ,customers, relationship and different. Through BDP, Skills on financial management will be delivered. Hence will access to financial servicesWe approach a system development in agile way. We work with customer throughout the development cycle to make sure the product satisfies the customer.
Skills on marketing, financial records, control and quality standards Certification process will be adhered, Altitude change towards business management, Use of simple financial records, Development of business strategy, Marketing tools, Able to use different forms.
Forms of business, Basic planning tools, Basic marketing, Production Financial Records and control, Quality, standards and Traceability
MSMEs, BDs, College/Universities
The main language of conversation/discussion for the 4 days will be English, Swahili and symbol
Some people have funds but don’t know how and where to invest, andothers have ideas but can’t get started. The service entails assisting clients to transform ideas into business by guiding them through the necessary steps to effective starting.
Participants are able to understand the elements and be able to use them for effective business starting. .
Business idea, Business design (forms of business), Market survey, Innovative approaches, Investment planning and Sourcing business finance
School leavers and dropouts, Graduates, Retiring workers and Anyone intending to start business
One-on-one session (brainstorming) Group sessions. Language: English and Swahili.
Banks and microfinance institutions complain that there are no good borrowers, while business blame conditions and costs of loan to be impossible. This training prepare borrowers to understand lenders and then bring the two parties to meet and start banking relationships.
Participants understand the behaviour of lending institutions Participants are linked with loan managers of lending institutions Businesses Growth (#SDG 1).
Investment planning tools. Servings and re investment. Preparation of loans applications. Facilitating access to special loan funds (PTF, Youth Fund, SIDO etc.) Facilitating access to investment funds, venture funds and cluster funds.Meeting with financial institutions (banks, leasing and venture capitalists)
Owners of mirco, small and medium industries and businessesBusiness Advisors and trainers
TECC and SIDO trainers, BDSPs, LGAs, Financial Institutions
The language shall be Kiswahili, Combination of interactive sessions, presentations, and meeting with loan managers of various lenders.
Entrepreneurs get business mentoring Entrepreneurs prepared to be good mentors.
Building mentoring and coaching capacities (Mentors) Improving business performance (Mentees).
Business counseling, approaches and methods Business Coaching Mentoring procedures Internships
Business Graduates Business Consultants Private Sector Associations Owners of micro, small and medium industries and businesses
Discussions, One on one sessions, Case study, On the job training Language: English and Kiswahili.
Competition in the business arena is high and increases daily forcing some business to close or lose customers. To maintain customer and competitive edge businesses should adopt to new approaches and technology and ability to create customer value at affordable prices. TECC will provide training, advise, mentoring and expose entrepreneur to create approaches that willmake them innovativeFor any success business ,a range of business support Is embedded in order to unlock the competitiveness. This includes SWOT analysis which clearly defines goals strategic and objectives. BDP will Cleary show the business markets ,customers, relationship and different. Through BDP, Skills on financial management will be delivered. Hence will access to financial servicesWe approach a system development in agile way. We work with customer throughout the development cycle to make sure the product satisfies the customer.
Change in mind set with respect to business innovation. Readiness or daring to use new approaches and technology in production and delivery of services. Participant able to see product opportunities. Participants understand the importance of innovation. Skills on marketing, financial records, control and quality standards Certification process will be adhered, Altitude change towards business management, Use of simple financial records, Development of business strategy, Marketing tools, Able to use different forms.
What causes of business to fail Meaning of innovation in business management. Innovation diagnostic. Drivers of innovation and competitiveness. Innovative solutions to increase productivity or delivery of servicesForms of business, Basic planning tools, Basic marketing, Production Financial Records and control, Quality, standards and Traceability
Owners of micro, small and medium businesses and Business consultants
TECC trainers and advisors
Combination of experiential activities, to enable participants to empathize, brainstorm and contribute to discussions. Language: Kiswahili.The main language of conversation/discussion for the 4 days will be English, Swahili and symbol
Local Economic Development will be served by cluster based innovation this training provide knowledge, skills and tools for analysis local resource base, local economic players and prioritize actions that will improve productivity, incomes and jobs.
Participants understands different factors to increase innovation Participants able to work with different partners in identifying and developing cluster initiatives as vehicle to competitiveness
Cluster approach to competitive local economic development Identification and analysis of viable clusters for economic development Cluster facilitation in practice, including Monitoring and learning Forms of business, Basic planning tools, Basic marketing, Production Financial Records and control, Quality, standards and Traceability
Business Consultants Private Sector Associations Local government officials Researchers and academia in and around the cluster areas
Cluster experts and practitioners certified TECC and COSTECH
Kiswahili for Tanzanians, English for non-Tanzanians Combination of hands-on, workshops and field work Supervised cluster facilitation for one year
Each district is endowed with its own type of resources, has unique set of culture and economic practices. Local leaders are elected to use available and government subventions to create conditions (laws, roads, utilities) that will improve productivity of its people. The train will build capacity of LGAs to analyse its resources and plan to create conducive environment.
District governments and officers will be capable of identifying actions that they will implement to support its people to increase productivity and increase income
Drivers of competitiveness Competitiveness in the national and global contexts Innovative approaches to building competitiveness Cluster approach to improve local competitiveness Attracting investment and talent to the district
Planning and Economic Committee of District Councils Experts in the District Councils supporting productive sectors
TECC Experts and TECC certified Innovation and Competitiveness trainers
The language shall be Kiswahili, Combination of interactive sessions, presentations and take away exercises
Train Local Government Authorities to support Local Economic Development. This training will provide knowledge, skills and tools for analysis local resource base, local economic players and prioritize actions that will improve productivity, incomes and jobs.
Participants understands factors affecting local economic competitiveness. Participants take actions to work with different partners to identify and develop competitiveness.
Meaning of LED Factors affecting competitiveness of local economic development Identification and analysis of viable clusters for economic development Structures supporting local economic development (talent, PPD, etc)
Local Government Leaders Local government officials Researchers and academia in and around the LGA
LED experts and practitioners certified by TECC
Kiswahili with occasional english emphasis Combination of real life exercises, hands-on
Endowments create a foundation for prosperity, but true prosperity is created by productivity in the use of endowments Macroeconomic competitiveness sets the potential for high productivity, but is not sufficient Productivity ultimately depends on improving the microeconomic capability of the economy and the sophistication of local competition.
Region by region competitiveness reports Eventually lead to national competitiveness report.
Analysis of the competitiveness factors Analysis of innovation factors
Regional and District Business and Investment climate
TECC advisors, Central and LGA experts and members of academia
Identify 3-5 priority sector for analysis in each region Combination of WB Doing Business Report indicators, Global competitiveness Report indicators and TECC national factors.